Urah Achieves International Pharmaceutical PIC/S GMP Standard

Urah Achieves International Pharmaceutical PIC/S GMP Standard

  Urah factory has recently attained the International PIC/S GMP Certification. PIC/S is a multinational Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) of Regulatory Authorities in the field of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) of medicinal products for human or veterinary use. It is presently comprised of 53 Participating Authorities coming from all over the world (Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australasia). PIC/S encompasses all the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) in relation to GMP and is the leader in the international developm...

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Urah Micellar Publishes New Results in UK Biomedical Journal

Urah Micellar Publishes New Results in UK Biomedical Journal

New Research Publication in BioMed Central, April 2016, shows Urah Micellar Technology improves Delivery and Efficacy of Arbutin and Glucosamine. To read full research, Click here >>...

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Glucosamine could extend life span

Glucosamine could extend life span

Glucosamine could extend life span according to recent German-Switzerland research published in NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3563 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4563 |www.nature.com/naturecommunications Urah Micellar Technology helps to deliver optimal glucosamine to your body without side effects Click here to view full article...

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Urah Award 2014

Urah Award 2014

Guardian - Winner of Best Selling Topical Analgesic Jointcare Cream with Omega 3 Unity Popular Choice Awards 2014: Brand Winner - Topical Analgesic (Glucosamine) Unity Appreciation Award Winner of LiveWell Awards 2014 - Urah Sporting Cream Plus MSM...

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Urah partners with the Health Promotion Board of Singapore (HPB) in 2014 for the 1 Million Kg Challenge -Weight management Program

Urah partners with the Health Promotion Board of Singapore (HPB) in 2014 for the 1 Million Kg Challenge -Weight management Program

Redeem e-voucher...

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Urah factory is now GMP certified by Health Science Authority (HSA)

Urah factory is now GMP certified by Health Science Authority (HSA)

URAH has established our own GMP procedures that is now GMP certified by Health Science Authority of Singapore (HSA). Urah MGC is currently the only glucosamine product in the market that has taken the scientific step to obtain patents in US, Japan and Singapore to support our proprietary Micellar Transdermal Technology. This GMP procedures had enabled Urah to register our products in overseas markets such as Japan, Germany, South Africa etc....

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Urah is the Winner of Unity Popular Choice Award 2013

Urah is the Winner of Unity Popular Choice Award 2013

URAH Singapore is the winner of the 2013 NTUC Popular Choice Brand Award in Topical Analgesic (Glucosamine). The award was presented by Steven Lye, Deputy CEO of NTUC Unity Healthcare Pharmacy to Dr Jonathan Obaje, CEO of URAH Singapore. Below are some of the photos taken during the award presentation....

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    URAH Bone Health plus Bio-Calcium and Chondroitin
    • 10% glucosamine with chrondroitin
    • Bio-calcium works in synergy with glucosamine and vitamins to provide optimal protection for bones and cartilage
    • Chondroitin works in synergy with glucosamine to strengthen joint structure
    • Apply twice a day for optimal result
    • Available in hospital and clinic pharmacies and website only

